Chiron Entered Aries

Chiron Entered Aries February 18, 2019

Chiron has been swimming in the deep waters of Pisces since 2010. Last April, 2018, it entered fiery Aries but retrograded back into Pisces in September. On February 18, 2019 Chiron reentered Aries, where it will remain until 2027. When a slow-moving planet enters a new sign, it is a major event. Not a new chapter, not even a new book, but a whole new world.

Chiron (associated with the myth of the Wounded Healer) has been called a “minor planet” (which always sounds disrespectful), a comet, or an asteroid. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur, born half man half horse. Abandoned by both parents, he raised himself in cave. He was mentored by Apollo (the Sun god) who taught him the healing arts such as homeopathy, herbs, and natural medicine as well as astronomy and astrology. As a result, he became a gifted and beloved teacher. His students included Jason, Hercules, Achilles and other sons of the great men and gods. He taught them to be the heroes they were meant to be.

Perhaps Chiron in pro-active Aries, is asking us to become the heroes of our own life. The rehearsal is over. It’s time to become compassionate warriors, conscious and caring activists. Among other things, Chiron in sensitive and vulnerable Pisces, has been about healing old wounds and early childhood traumas. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to do our inner work, but maybe Chiron in Aries is about healing and restoring the planet.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is active, ambitious, and physical. Chiron here is a kind of rebirth. See where it falls in your chart; there is a reawakening in that area. In Aries Chiron can help us face our fears, create strong boundaries, and heal through positive action. It can also help us empower others. We all have Chiron in our birth chart. It’s where we have a wound but also the ability to heal it. Getting to know the sign and house that Chiron occupies in your birth chart will help you understand your own healing journey.


“Somewhere beyond the walls of awareness…the wilderness side, the hunter side, the seeking side of ourselves is waiting to return.” –Sir Laurens van der Post