Sagittarius New Moon Dec. 2-3

“We learn nothing from the things we know.” –John Cage

Sun and Moon are in fiery and freedom-loving Sagittarius; the sign of the gypsy, the pilgrim and the philosopher. The archer may not know the meaning of life but he or she knows there is a meaning and is on a quest to find it. Ruled by expansive Jupiter this adventurous sign seeks new frontiers; intellectual, physical and spiritual.

“Expect the unexpected” Uranus in explosive Aries makes a positive and powerful trine to the Sun and Moon. You may feel as if there’s an extra shot (or two) of espresso in your Morning Joe! Channel that energy; find something to be obsessed about (in a good way). A New Moon is a new beginning; use the energy to initiate a special project or plan. Remember, you don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward; do one thing, then another. This is the perfect week to brainstorm, get creative, make a vision board, explore, experiment.

Chiron (a minor planet associated with the myth of the Wounded Healer) is in sensitive Pisces, making a challenging square to the New Moon. In mythology Chiron, the wisest of the centaurs, was born half man, half horse, both mortal and divine. Rejected by both his parents he retreated to a cave where he raised himself. There he was mentored by Apollo (the sun god) who taught him the healing arts such as homeopathy, herbs, natural medicine, as well as astronomy, and astrology. As a result Chiron became a gifted healer and teacher; his students were the sons of the great men and gods; he taught them to be heroes they were meant to be. This bold Sagittarius New Moon encourages us to connect with our inner hero or heroine; that fierce yet forgiving part of ourselves. Find the courage to move out of your comfort zone; be open to fresh ideas and new experiences – not just on an intellectual or physical level but also on an emotional and spiritual one.

“We’re not supposed to live a horizontal life on the surface of things. We are supposed to live the entire gamut, from the heights of thought and imagination all the way down to the depths of woundedness and the deeper capacity to love.” – Michael Meade

The internet with its social media sites gives us tremendous access to ideas and information but it is a kind of horizontal learning; it lacks a vertical dimension. This New Moon with brilliant Uranus and wise Chiron asks us to look deeper and combine our intellect with our compassion so we may learn with all our senses. We have support from generous Jupiter in nurturing Cancer and disciplined Saturn in intense Scorpio; like two shamans they assist us in healing what is broken and buried in our lives and to find new meaning and wisdom for the road ahead.

“Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself.” –Katherine Sharp
