Uranus Pluto Square, Pisces New Moon Eclipse, Vernal Equinox!

New-Moon-EclipseUranus and Pluto: The Final Episode

The seventh and final Uranus/Pluto square takes place on Monday, March 16. That maverick Uranus, the planet of freedom and rebellion in fiery Aries and life or death Pluto in conservative Capricorn have been challenging each other since 2012. Although these two mega planets will slowly begin to separate, they will still be communicating until the end of this year; in fact in late December they will be just over one degree apart. Like The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, or Dexter, the show may be over but the story lives on.

We’ve all been in rehab or some version of heavy therapy since 2012 when these two game-changers began the first of their seven challenging squares. We’ve all been facing deep issues, taking big risks and being pushed to our limit in some area; those of you with planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn have been feeling it more personally and acutely. What have we learned since 2012? What do we still need to let go of? It has shaken us, rattled us and maybe even woken us up to what’s truly important. And even though the energy is winding down it doesn’t mean we can get sloppy. You don’t stop going to the gym once you’re in shape! We all need to continue to do the work of facing our fears, waking up and becoming conscious.

The Pisces New Moon Eclipse – March 20, 2015

Eclipses open portals from the great above; these doorways are opportunities to consciously tap into what is buried within us and have the ability to accelerate the process of deep change. At the time of the eclipse normal life can feel suspended and there is a sense of something fated. From this chaos, a new world, a new self or fresh vision can occur. This is no ordinary eclipse; it takes place at 29 Pisces; the last degree of the last sign, and the end of the zodiac. It is a potent degree that suggests major endings and beginnings. It falls on the first day of spring; just 13 hours later the Sun moves into Aries. And let’s not forget that it comes in the wake of the final Uranus/Pluto square. What message is it sending; what needs to be released so something can be born? We all feel the energy of the eclipse but for those of you with planets at 28-29 degrees of Pisces the message is stronger; so is the potential to make a quantum leap.

Ruled by Neptune (the Greek Poseidon, mythic “God of the Sea”) this water sign is fluid, porous and deep. Pisces governs the invisible and unseen world and is associated with inspiration, compassion, music, poetry and prayer. For Pisces, the inner world of the imagination is more real than the external world of things. At the Pisces New Moon we are invited to explore the nonphysical world, to dream deep and allow our visions to take root in the feminine waters of our imagination. There is a fine line between exploring the nonphysical world and escaping into it – the shadow side of Pisces. This dreamy sign requires solid boundaries and a strong container to hold the sacred wine.

 “Utram bibis? Aquam an undam? What are you drinking? The water or the wave?” –John Fowles, (The Magus)

Neptune, Mercury, and Chiron are also in Pisces in the chart of the New Moon, turning up the volume on this spiritual and intuitive sign. The Uranus/Pluto square is there along with impulsive Mars in explosive Aries adding fire and fury. All this Pisces energy with the Uranus/Pluto square reminds us that we need a new paradigm for this time in history. Action by itself is inadequate without compassion; a dream or vision that doesn’t manifest is futile. We need to be spiritual warriors, kind and caring heroes and heroines who are guardians and protectors of the earth and all its inhabitants.

This week is edgy and erratic, filled with potential land mines and political potholes so stay conscious and don’t take things personally. Channeled correctly there is also opportunity and momentum. Use the energy of this powerful aspect, along with the potent solar eclipse to move something forward in your life. Take a big risk (or a little one), drop an old habit, cultivate a new one, change your attitude, forgive someone or yourself, be of service, make a difference. We are all on a big learning curve right now. Anything is possible including something positive, creative and transformational.

Spring Awakening

“In the first mild day of March. Each minute sweeter than before… There is a blessing in the air…” –William Wordsworth

March 20 marks the Vernal Equinox (when day and night are of equal length), the beginning of spring and the new zodiac year. According to Greek mythology, it is during this time that Persephone returns from the underworld to join her mother (Demeter) and the season of darkness becomes the season of light. It is also Ostara, the pagan fertility festival that signals the arrival of spring and the reawakening of life on earth. We are at the spiritual high point of the year; Lent, Easter, Passover as well as Beltane, the ancient Celtic festival, all take place during this season. In spring the creative energy pours forth from the chalice of the moon and a doorway opens bringing fresh awareness so that we have the ability to move to a new level of consciousness.

This is time of year to turn-up the magic in your life and let it shine. Find ways to weave more wonder into every day. Open yourself to the vast realms of inner guidance. Spend as much time as you can connecting with nature and drinking in the elixir of Mother Nature’s ever-present majesty. Love, Virginia

Praying, by Mary Oliver

It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch
a few words together and don’t try
to make them elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but a doorway
into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.