Second Aquarian New Moon

The Second Aquarian New Moon, Chinese New Year, Another New Beginning
Last month’s New Moon (on January 20) took place in the very first degree of Aquarius, the sign of the rebel, the eccentric, the outlaw and the genius. On February 18 we have a second Aquarius New Moon; this one is in the last degree and last minute of the sign; in fact, two minutes later the Sun and Moon move into Pisces. Sometimes referred to as a Black Moon, this is an uncommon occurrence. Wiccans believe these Moons are especially potent for rituals and spells.

There is a restless and impulsive quality to the last degree of a sign and freedom-loving Aquarius is an impetuous sign. Plus this is a SuperMoon. A SuperMoon is when the Moon is closest to the earth, stronger and more potent than usual. These formidable Moons generate greater gravitational pull on the earth’s tides and on our own emotions as well, creating potential shifts in consciousness. In addition, the planet that rules Aquarius, “change at all cost” Uranus, is closing in on Pluto; they are within a degree of their 7th and final square; exact on March 16. The Sun and Moon are located at the mid-point of Uranus and Pluto. Mid-points are extremely sensitive and powerful; the volume is turned up even higher on this revolutionary duo. It feels as if a wave is building; transformation is in the air, both personal and collective.

What is the universe saying? This electric and edgy sign can bring original solutions and brilliant insights, especially with brainy Mercury in Aquarius and moving forward. But the Water-Bearer is cerebral; it can be detached and unemotional. Change has to happen, that’s the Aquarian message. But there’s also a big Pisces message as well. The engine that drives the change are the four planets currently in forgiving Pieces; Neptune, Chiron, Mars and Venus. Pisces is intuitive, emotional, and heart-centered; at its highest it represents loving kindness. It is through compassion to ourselves that we reach our full potential and become whole; it is through compassion towards others that we create peace.

Change is never easy for real change is not simply action in the outer world but healing on an inner level. A New Moon is a new beginning; we plant a seed, set an intention and watch it grow. What needs to be planted and nurtured? What is calling you? What needs to be released and purged in order to live more consciously and compassionately? This New Moon, on the precipice between Aquarius and Pisces, is an opportunity to create real change.

The Year of the Yin Wood Sheep begins at the New Moon on February 18, 2015
Legend has it that in ancient times Buddha asked all the animals to join him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came and Buddha named a year for each animal.

Chinese New Year always commences on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. It is a time of psychic and emotional rebirth. During the five days prior to the New Year, the Chinese clean their homes thoroughly: nooks and crannies are cleared, and astral debris is swept away before the New Year Dragon awakens. Please, no cleaning and sweeping on the actual day! During the waxing moon, (the two weeks leading up to the Full Moon) families and friends reunite and celebrate; all debts are paid, old grudges are forgiven and ancestors are honored. “Lucky money” is given to children in crisp new red envelopes. Incense is burned and offerings are made to Heaven and Earth; doors are flung open to welcome the New Year; lions, dragons, and unicorns dance in the street. Chinese New Year ends on the Full Moon 15 days later. The 15th day is called the Festival of Lanterns; this year it falls on March 5. Lanterns painted with birds, flowers, and signs of the zodiac are hung in the temples and carried in a parade under the light of the Full Moon.

The year of the Sheep (sometimes referred to as the Goat or Ram) tends to be a more peaceful; a time when beauty, art and creativity are emphasized. Sheep correlates with the sign Cancer, the great mother, so there is an element of caring and sensitivity. The Wood element also represents qualities of nurturing, thoughtfulness, and tolerance. This is a great year to cultivate, explore and express you creative talent.

People born in the year of the Sheep (1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1097, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) are naturally creative, artistic, kind, empathic. They appreciate beauty in every form and are drawn to artistic fields and the healing arts. Sheep are sensitive and need down time and nature in order process and replenish. They may seem mild but they have a strong independent side and are actually much stronger than they appear.

According to the 2015 We’Moon guide: “Sheep often struggle in youth until their first Saturn Return at age 28, but as they age they become stronger and discover their true calling. The best part of a Sheep’s life is when they are an elder.” I can attest to that as I’m a proud Sheep. We may not have the colorful energy of the Tiger or the charisma of the Dragon but our quiet ways endure and we get better with age.

This exciting second New Moon in Aquarius and the start of Chinese New Year brings a wave of fresh energy and inspiration. We are posed at a threshold. John O’ Donohue writes (in his essay, Thresholds) “At any time you can ask yourself: At which thresholds and I now standing? At this time in my life, what am I leaving? Where am I about to enter? What is preventing me from crossing my next threshold?” Something is ready to be released so that something precious within us can be born; let the energy of this New Moon carry you forth.

From A Morning Offering
by John O’Donohue
May my mind come alive today
To the invisible geography
That invites me to new frontiers,
To break the dead shell of yesterdays,
To risk being disturbed and changed.
May I have the courage today
To live the life that I would love,
To postpone my dream no longer
But do at last what I came here for
And waste my heart on fears no more.