Aquarius New Moon – Jan. 20, 2015

The first New Moon of 2015 and it’s in the first degree of radical Aquarius, the sign associated with freedom, individuation and breakthroughs of all kinds; political, technological, creative and personal. Are you asleep; is there an area in your life where you are drifting, dozing or making do? This energizing and confident New Moon has the ability to shake us up, wake us up and set us off on a brand new path, perhaps the one that has been calling us all along.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.
 You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. 
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep. –Rumi

The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus (currently in fiery Aries) which continues to square Pluto (in earth-bound Capricorn). Since 2012 these two mega planets have made six challenging and defiant squares; they will make their seventh and final one on March 16. The stakes are raised; the energy is building. Add to that the fact that Uranus is making a rare alignment with the karmic South Node of the Moon; Uranus is conjunct (fused with) the South Node; Pluto makes a square to it. According to The Mountain Astrologer, “This particular alignment of Uranus, the South Node, and Pluto in Aries and Capricorn has not happened in more than 2,600 years. The rarity of this configuration suggests that this year could be one of the most pivotal in human history.” How do you want to use this powerful energy? What do you want to create, release, launch or let go of? You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. –Rumi

“We cannot become who we are at the core of ourself unless the genius in us becomes recognized and released.” –Michael Mead (Fate And Destiny)

Aquarius is associated with genius, innovation, and a capacity to think outside the box. We’re not all rebels or pioneers but we all have the sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus somewhere in our chart; that is an area where we have the ability to do something authentic, original and unique. Michael Mead (in his book, Fate And Destiny) writes “Genius and its older form genii refer to the “spirit that is already there,” the inner genius that enters the world with each child born and that tries to present itself repeatedly throughout one’s life.” It is the fire burning in your heart; it is your inner spark, your singular song. Every New Moon is a fresh beginning but this one contains some unexpected energy and the opportunity to connect with your unique gift.

The next New Moon (on February 18) is also in Aquarius, in the very last degree. How amazing is that? It is a SuperMoon; one that creates a greater gravitational pull on the earth’s tides and our own physical bodies which can accelerate shifts in consciousness. This (February 18) New Moon also coincides with Chinese New Year. And although Mercury goes retrograde from January 21 until February 11, it will be moving forward at this New Moon; the perfect time to take some risks, be brave and bring your gift into the world.

During a workshop he was conducting, Michael Meade tells the group that if a goldfish is taken out of its fish bowl and put into a bathtub it will swim in the same restricted pattern that it did in the bowl, out of habit. Where would you be swimming if the bowl wasn’t there? In what direction do you want your life to expand now? Anything is possible, even swimming outside our comfort zone. Why not dedicate this period between these two scintillating New Moons in Aquarius to explore, excavate, and nourish your own genius and give it lots of room to express itself. There are challenges in the world right now and in the stars as well but this period brings potential for real change, growth and transformation.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! –Goethe

Mercury will turn retrograde (appearing to go backwards) on January 21 at 17 degrees of Aquarius. It moves forward on February 11. Like certain politicians and food groups, Mercury retrograde has a difficult reputation but you have to know how to work with it. It’s not great for launching big projects and plans or purchasing Mercury ruled products such as computers, cell phone or cars. On the plus side it’s perfect for buying or selling anything old, antique or vintage and great for cleaning out clutter and getting your ducks in a row. Think of the prefix “re” – review, rewrite, rethink, revise. Mercury (the mind) in the sign of Aquarius (the divine mind) is especially powerful; it can bring unexpected magic, messages and synchronicity – yes, even during its retrograde periods; old friends, projects, even lost objects often show up in our lives. Mercury will remain in brilliant Aquarius through March 12 which gives us lot of time to experience the magic.

The world is more malleable than you think. It’s not all set in concrete. And where it is, at least stick your fingers in it before it dries. –Bono